Sunday, 15 April 2012


The aim is to simplify the CPP Asia Pacific Website to make the USER EXPERIENCE a simpler, easier and more enjoyable experience.

A challenge with this site is that there is a legal requirement to ensure that certain products (and even some services) are only available to qualified people. So there is a requirement for quite a lot of legal information, terms and conditions etc. to be presented. 

While the legals are a requirement, it is doubtful that anyone will fully read it. It's therefore proposed that a typical 'I agree' to the terms and conditions with a link to them if so desire, rather than forcing someone to read literally pages of legal jargon. 

There are interactive recruitment tests, with results that would need to be emailed to the client using the site (as the candidate never sees these). 
The site as it exists at present:

The user is presently required to wade through multiple static pages, following sometimes quite minor links to arrive at what is actually a major component of the site. With many pop-up pages and 'dead-ends' a user is likely to become lost and either click the 'Home' button to attempt to re navigate through the site, or simply leave the site altogether!

The new architecture proposed, while simplifying the experience for the user, does not in fact remove information, but rather consolidates much of the superfluous text into a resources section of the site. This allows for the user to read the extensive information if they choose.

Note that the Recruitment and Personal Development sections don't require the payment gateway, as the client is billed to their account now.

By reducing the number of links and using more dynamic pages, the site now reduces the previously complex path the user was required to take and allows the site to present only pertinent information to the user. While the programming required may become more complex, the user's experience becomes easier and more aligned to their needs.

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